Sunday 20 April 2014

Tips For Writing A Wattpad Story

Hey (insert hand emoji)

I haven't been writing at all recently, and I've been crazy with school and picking my GCSE subjects and all. So ill be telling you guys a little bit about my short Wattpad story I'm currently writing, and how to write one..? Okay! Lets do some analysis. (I used the laptop instead of a mobile/tablet as it is much easier to edit)


Step 1: Plan, plan, plan!!

  • Storyline
What's a story without a storyline? Nothing. Plan the story roughly on your computer or on a piece of paper so you could refer to it again incase you forget.

You would want to think of an interesting/unique storyline that would grab someone's attention. My story is about a teenage Harper Beckham, and how she deals with her hectic life of fortune and fame.
  • Characters
Characters. They are responsible for whatever happens in a story. Thoughts, actions, or feelings all come from characters. Every character has her/his own personality, its good to describe the character's personality through another character's point of view.

For my story, because it involves celebrities, it is easier to have the person's character 'ready-made' as I do not have to do any creating on my own.
  • Title of the story
You may think titles aren't as important as the story itself, but it's actually VERY important. Once again, think of something that stands out or grabs one's attention, and it has to somehow relate to the story. I named my story 'Obvious Outcast' because it gives people slight hints on how my main character is/feels like.
  • Climax
Climax is the part of story that is the most exciting, action packed, most dramatic, interesting part of the story. For example, it was like when Harry and Voldemort battled it out at Hogwarts in the last movie. You would want to make things very dramatic and blockbuster-ish.

Step 2: Helpful advice.

The Options block on the right ^
  • Options block
After writing your first chapter, you may want to fill in a small box on the write hand side. It says 'Options', and it can be quite useful. That is where you fill in the category of your story. Is it a fiction, teen fiction, fan fiction (which I was previously obsessed about), mystery, short stories... etc?

Obvious Outcast is a teen fiction part fantasy story. Tags are just like #hashtags. It shows up when you search for the word your tag is. So if you put "Brooklyn Beckham Fanfic", the story of yours will show up if one of the tags are something like 'Brooklyn Beckham'.

  • Re-read your story several times
Of course you have to re-read it!!! Check for spelling mistakes and grammar, maybe even ask a friend to read it. Edit the chapter whenever you feel like it. You can always go back.

  • Advertise it
Send out a link to your friends to ask other people to read it, comment, and vote for your story. Maybe even publish your link on twitter and give out free follows whoever votes. (Don't seem too desperate though you actually are)

  • Do weekly updates for chapters
No one, and I mean no one will save your story to their library unless you're a famous Wattpad writer or your story is incredibly 5 stars quality. Keep on updating chapters on your story, if not, the urge to read it will eventually die down.


Okay guys, that is all for today. Hope the tips were helpful. Thanks for all your +1s and your feedback. I'll write another post hopefully soon.

I love you guys out there reading. Follow my Wattpad story here: Obvious Outcast thank you :)


Tuesday 5 November 2013

Top 10 TV Shows


I wanna share my top television shows I just love. I am a major 'tele addict', it runs in my family. My mom's alike.

I love drama shows, maybe some fiction, and of course the most common, reality TV. Many people find Reality TV very fake, and annoying, most of the time. But well I get addicted. In Malaysia, our TV series air very late, maybe a year later after the real air date. So I always watch on Megashare or Sidereel.

So yeah, hope you enjoy my post about TV shows. Hopefully we have the same taste in TV! :)

#10 Keeping Up With The Kardashians

People might think I'm crazy for even putting this into my Top 10 list. Atleast it ain't as stupid as Here Comes Honey BooBoo. But well this is my list. heh heh.

Well I like this show just because the drama is just way much. And well I don't have their life. I'm not 'high maintenance'. I just like seeing the life of a celebrity who does all the things that millions dream of doing.

#9 Dance Moms

Well yes, there is drama. And its not like every reality TV show has a huge sized amazing DANCE teacher. And dancers aged 11 who can do dance like a professional. So yes, this show is very... good.


#8 Revenge

I love love love this show. I got to obsessed with Revenge when Season 1 came out. All the characters, Emily Throne a.k.a. Amanda Clarke, the storyline and all. Is just genius. Each episode is so dramatic and exciting, The Hamptons is perfect for this. I just really like the story. Each epsode you find new information, and then a bombshell drops on someone. Its all about Revenge.

#7 Catfish: The TV show

This show is just really entertaining. It can be really heartbreaking for people, but very few people get to meet their online person they meet. Well people do stupid things for love. I always catch this show on MTV. So yeah, this show's okay.

#6 Gossip Girl

I loveee Gossip girl. All the characters and drama comes together SO perfectly. Scandals, rumors, lies, and gossip. The characters are amazing. Serena van der Woodsen is just perfect. Chuck Bass and Blair Waldorf together is so complicated yet simple. Heehee Nate is so cute. Their dramatic NewYork lives always 'inspired' me in some way. Believe it or not, that's the way I wanted to live. In an iconic happening city, with places to go and cool things to buy.

#5 Once Upon A Time

I am obsessed with this. I mean like all the characters were the ones i grew up with. The story is pretty exciting, its about the Wicked Queen casting a curse on all the people in their world, and all of them came into our world. 

#4 America's Next Top Model

I really love Tyra Banks, and I'm loving the 20 cycle with the guys. Their challenges and photo-shoots are very entertaining!

#3 Pretty Little Liars

I LOVE THIS SHOW. I'VE BEEN FOLLOWING EVERY EPISODE OMG I LOVE IT. I even read the books! Aria, Hanna, Emily, and Spencer are all so amazing. The story is so complicated, and A and all. Well, I cannot wait till January, for the 14th episode of season 4. ALISON IS ALIVE! OMG.

#2 Glee

Everyone loves Glee. Who doesn't? The singing, the dancing, the drama. Its like the talented Kardashians. An episode can make you cry a lot. Like 'The Quaterback'. I'm waiting for November 11th for the 4th episode of season 5. Yes, I memorize everything so I don't forget anything! hehe


I love this show. How Ted tells his two kids the story about how he met their mother. And all the episodes and journeys are amazing. All of them are so funny, and drama gets in the way too. Its like a story about 5 best friends in NewYork. I'm waiting for the new season where Ted finally introduces his kids' mother. She's the umbrella girl :)

So yeah, that's it guys. Hope you enjoy my post. And you guys probably agree with me about these tv series I love. You should totally watch these shows! Seeyea next time xxo

Wednesday 9 October 2013



Hello guys! I wanna write a post about Heartbreaker. Justin Bieber is seriously amazing. Like who doesn't know that. 3 days ago, Heartbreaker came out at 12 noon in Malaysia... where i live. Anyway, I was at school and I was literally so so excited to go home on that day.

After school on Monday, me and my best friend Skyped with each other when we were gonna listen to that song for the first time. We both were super pumped! We were still in our school uniforms when that happened. I don't have an Apple device that actually belongs to me, so I couldn't buy it from the iTunes store.

Our frantic search began on youtube. I went to kidrauhl, Justin Bieber VEVO, and I couldnt find THAT beat of the first part of the song. Many fake Heartbreaker songs were up too, so i bet some people thought it was the real one. I've done my studying on that song, I've watched Justin's instagram videos a couple of times of him casually singing the few first lines of the song.

Me and my best friend were on the look out for it. So I decided to continue looking and i'll just google it. I found a JustJared page, and I clicked on it. Instantly, video popped up of Heartbreaker. I shouted at my friend and said that I think I found it. JustJared is a gossip page by the way.

So I clicked the play button, and BOOM. THE BEST OF THE SONG WITH EXACTLY SIMILAR TO THE KEY VIDEO. My best friend yelled 'SHIT' thats it!!!.

Suddenly, a beautiful voice sang the lyrics. Me and my best friend were literally instantly in love with the song.

'Girl you don't know how I feel'
'Since you've been awayy. oh baby'
'Any chance that you would take my call'
'If I got you today'

Yeah, for the rest of the song, me and my best friend we're shouting and tweeting about how amazing the song is. Thanks for reading me and my best friend's experience for #HEARTBREAKER . I cannot wait till next Monday. #MusicMondays

See yeah!!

Friday 4 October 2013

Pretty Little Liars: Books (Update)


Remember I've only got 3 PLL books on the last post? Yeah well I have like more now. TEEHEE.

What I have now:

Pretty Little Liars

Well... The story's going pretty well. Hanna was hit by a car at Mona's birthday party, and yes, Mona is A... was. Now there's a new A and the girls are like NO. OMG

Well i'll keep you guys updated, enjoy my posts! Check out my TOP FANFICTIONS POST RIGHT HERE ON RANDOM MUCH?! HEHE THANKS GUYS

Top fanfictions

Hi I haven't been posting in a while, have been busy lately. And I've started a new kind of 'obsession'- FANFICTIONS. So this post is about my top fanfictions i've read so far and stuff.

My first fanfiction I have read is 'Dark', its a Harry Styles fanfiction and about a girl named Bo. When I discovered fanfictions, I was just so excited. I could read Justin Bieber fanfictions the whole entire day for the whole month.

Okay we will start from bottom #5, then we will make it to the #1 best fanfiction of all time(in my opinion). Let's start, then.

#5 Who knew?
Who knew is about a girl named Kylie Braun, which in the story, is Scooter's daughter. In the start of the story, Kylie seems to hate Justin, a alot. Kylie feels her dad doesn't have time for her because all of his time is spent on Justin, since he's managing him.

Justin told his twitter followers that he and Kylie are dating, because he obviously wants that to happen. Kylie is forced to 'fake-date' Justin for good publicity, and that idea was Sccoter's. Scooter forces kylie to go on tour with Justin, and they eventually 'real-date' in the end, with some problems along the way. This fanfiction is just okay. Its not THE BEST.

#4 Danger
Danger is a Justin Bieber fanfiction.(in this story he isn't famous). In the story he's a total bad-ass, always committing crimes and breaking the rules. The story starts with a girl Named Kelsey, and she feels sick stuck in her home with her goody two shoes attitude, and obeying all the rules without being allowed to have fun. She decides to dress up and sneak out to like a frat party, with people smoking, making out, and getting drunk with her friend- Kelsey.

One moment at the party, Danger (Justin) compliments Kelsey because she was drinking beer in one big gulp. Her best friend then tells her that Danger, is simply dangerous. Kelsey tells her best friend not to believe in people unless you've seen it yourself, and not to judge people so quickly. Through the party, Kelsey ends up in the woods looking for her best friend. But instead, she saw Danger and his gang with a guy. Kelsey peeps hides in the bushes seeing if Danger is really 'dangerous' as everyone else says he is. Kelsey saw Danger shotuing about some money and ends up pulling the trigger and killing the guy. Danger finds Kelsey peeping and he kidnappes her to make sure she doesnt say a word. In the fanfiction, Kelsey obviously falls for Danger, and it goes from there!

This story is pretty good, but the storyline is kinda unique so its worth reading.

#3 Love Is Real
Love is real is about a girl named Jasmine, and Zayn Malik saved her from an attack. yes, Jasmine was about to get raped. Jasmine was new to London, and she moved from the States. Zayn falls for her and they end up dating. This story takes real slow and everything is very detailed. So... READ UP!!

#2 Dark
As i've said at the top, this story is about a girl named Bo, and a guy named Harry Styles. I'm not even going to give you a clue about this one. This story is amazeballs and if you don't read it, there's something wrong with you.

#1 Trust Me
OMG This fanfiction should deserve a Watty Award already. Like wthell. This story is about a girl named Allie, and she goes on tour with The Bieber crew, because she's Jasmine Villegas's back-up dancer. Justin falls for her and they end up dating secretly. There's loads of drama going on around every second, like how TMZ says things about Justin, and there's many problems along the way of their relationship.

This fanfiction is just truly amazing. The storyline and all is a 11/10. The characters come together very nicely and no typo's!! YAY!!


So yea, that's my top fanfictions I've read for the past month. Love stories are addicting, especially when your favourite celeb pops up. I seriously recommend you to read these fanfics.

See you soon!
Bye baby!

Top 10 songs

Hey guys, I haven't posted in a along time. 521 pageviewers huh? Thanks guys. Now my blog shows up on Google. Heh heh. Well this post is about my top 10 songs. Im working on my top 5 FANFICTIONS!!!! I'm so excited for you guys to see it!!

but first, lemme show you my top 10songs I LOVE <3

#10 Better Than Revenge
I just really like this song. Its by Taylor Swift from her Speak Now album. Theres a story in the song. It goes something like:

She's not a saint, And she's not what you think she's an actress.
She's only known for the things that she does on the mattress.. WOAHH

#9 Turning Tables
My dad bought Adele's 21 album and I kinda got obsessed with this song, and in Glee, they did a small cover by a special guest. So yea, this songs my car jam.

#8 What about love?
Austin Mahone looked hot in this video, Dont judge me. <3 This song was stuck in me and my best friend's head for a long long time.

#7 I'm still into you
This song <3 I was never really a Paramore fan. but I do like Haley Williams, her pink and orange hair is so amazeballs. This song's pretty good too. So yeah.

#6 RED
I just love this song, Taylor Swift songs always catch my attention. I always listen to the RED album on Spotify. Her love songs are addicting.
  #5 Heart Attack
This song, is my jam. Demi Lovato's voice is seriously really strong. There's a funny story to this song, a few moths ago, I was singing this song, trying to hit the high notes, I was sitting with my best friend, than HER best friend, came and asked her out. I didn't hear anything, obviously I was like HEART ATTTAAAACKKK. Hahah there's many memories to this song.

#4 Roar
Katy Perry is legend-waitforit-dary. Her songs are always so catchy. ROAR, bitach!

#3 Love Me
Justin Bieber is just perfect. No one can DENY IT!!!! Aww I miss this song, all hair flips and cute raspy voices. Aww. Justin's still perfect anyway. Love me would always be my favorite song, no doubt.

#2 Beauty and the Beat (accoustic version)
Aww this song. I can have boners listening to this song. Hahaha. Kidding! Justin Bieber IS SO HOT. Like is it even illegal to be that attractive? He is just so talented.



Saturday 24 August 2013

The Bedroom post

Hey guys! B's back.

I just got back from the states and I literally have so many things to do. Like start a scrapbook, finish my painting project, try my new polymer clay projects, update and post on my instagram because of the challenge, catch up on tv series, re-do my room, try my new o.p.i nail polish, organize my stuff I bought from the US, get ready for school, and update my blog.

So basically, this post is just me trying to organize and list down what I have to do and how to do it. Just to get everything straight forward and make it easy to remember.

Number 1) My ROOM.

I don't know about you, but sometimes I would look at some Instagram 'dream rooms' users and they would post pretty rooms on their page they got from Google.

I'm gonna show you some examples of the 'Dream Room' collection.

Okay, mhmm, this doesn't look so 'dreamy'... But it sure looks nice and some people would kill to have this simple- looking neat- tiddy room. I wouldn't go for it.. but I wouldn't go for something TOO 'dreamy'.

Some more examples down below!
Well, the 'Dream Room' with the dream look collection can go on and on, and on and on. But then... some rooms get a little.. how do I say.. uhh... what's the word? Oh I got it!! - AMBITIOUS. Yes! WAYY TOO AMBITIOUS. Take a look at those few below!

Really now. Really. This is one of the dream rooms that teens ADORE. I mean. What's not to like? The style is superb and friends could you know, sleepover, have fun. It'll be so amazing! I would personally re-do my room like that, yeah, if I was FILTHY RICH!
The outrageous dream rooms go on.
This room? Wow. A swimming pool right before your eyes, where you sleep! This is truly amazing though. Its so relaxing, you can go for a swim anytime! But its a little too good to be true if someone re-did their room like this one.
All the fashionistas' would 'luv' this! All the clothes, all the shopaholics. They would live in royalty. Me: FAT HOPES.
That's pretty much what I have. The next picture, is what I was inspired by. It maybe dreamy too, but i'll simplify it.
Obviously I cannot get matching carpets, or matching suicases. But I could make it my design and pull it off, my way. - Simple.
But, when I turn and look at my room, its just so sad. All the color combinations don't match, everything's jumbled up even if I try to keep it tidy and neat. Well, i'll just have to list everything down, and give a reason to it.

My room is in a total mess right now. The walls are way too pink. And obviously I've grown out of my 7-year-old obsession for the bright pink colors I used to worship. On the walls, my mom stenciled butterflies and some designs from Camp Rock- the movie. Great, another thing I WAS obsessed about years ago. When I was little I was the girly girl who loved Hannah Montana and had a huge collection of stickers. Now I'm becoming a teen and I really don't find Hannah Montana and stickers very amusing anymore. Me: I am not amused. Miley Cyrus herself grown out of colorful clothes anyway.

Next, my furniture. I have a single tiny bed that I can't stretch when I'm asleep at night. Plus, I still have Barney, animal print, princess and castles, and bright yellow with tea cup and cupcakes print bed sheets. I need something more mature right now. My bed is getting uncomfortable and when my friends sleepover, I have to take the floor. So, I have to figure a way to get a bigger bed, a double would be nice, and a way to save space. How? - a bunk bed. :)

The rest of the furniture are either too big, it takes up a lot of space, or too old. My desk is fine, but I need storage that can make things very organized and it looks nice. I have some weird looking furniture I have. Like this tiny blue table with two matching blue chairs. Its so tiny that you can have problems sitting down with your legs under the table. The chairs are way too small and short. Its a bigger problem getting out of the seat. The storage I have take up a lot of space, but it isn't good in organizing stuff and my remaining things have to go in a corner on the floor and it isn't very attractive. At all.

My closet is one big mess. Obviously, its small and it comes in shelves. I'm not exactly a pro in folding clothes and how 'convenient' would it be to take something out of a pile of clothes. Of course, it'll be all messed up and then someone has to re-fold everything I messed up. And then when it's messed up, it's even harder to find something. I wish I had a bigger closet with hangers rather than piles of clothes.

<-- Colour coordinated? - PERF!!

Sometimes it's just the space. I have a very small room with limited space. I live in an apartment and even my mom and dad need more space. - and money.

Well this is my new plan for my room makeover. (with the help of my brain and the Ikea catalog) I decide to repaint my walls baby blue, and have a color combination. Which is red, blue, and white. Which is also, the colors of my 2 favourite countries. I would have a double bed bunk bed. with my table underneath it. So I save up a lot of space. Next to my desk under the bunk bed, I would have a chic tall red metal drawer so I can store school supplies, books, documents, and it matches the color combination I wanted to have.

My wall would be decorated by some art pieces I have done, like this huge Union Jack I have specially measured and painted on a canvas, some random acrylic art work on mini canvases, and maybe some vintage cupcake pictures I found. So I could hang those up.

And for some reason i'm into vintage stuff. Like old telephones, they really look elegant and expensive... and mostly, old. Since I travel almost every year, and almost everywhere, I've decide to have a (fake) vintage map on my wall across what is to be my bunk bed. Maybe I could use thumb tacks and stick them in which ever country I've been to. It also helps to see where I would like to visit next, too.

Well, as you can see, this is a major process I need to go through right now, and it would obviously take awhile. So.. That's pretty much it.

Hope you enjoyed this LONG post about my rooms and decorating skills. Chao! -B