Saturday 24 August 2013

The Bedroom post

Hey guys! B's back.

I just got back from the states and I literally have so many things to do. Like start a scrapbook, finish my painting project, try my new polymer clay projects, update and post on my instagram because of the challenge, catch up on tv series, re-do my room, try my new o.p.i nail polish, organize my stuff I bought from the US, get ready for school, and update my blog.

So basically, this post is just me trying to organize and list down what I have to do and how to do it. Just to get everything straight forward and make it easy to remember.

Number 1) My ROOM.

I don't know about you, but sometimes I would look at some Instagram 'dream rooms' users and they would post pretty rooms on their page they got from Google.

I'm gonna show you some examples of the 'Dream Room' collection.

Okay, mhmm, this doesn't look so 'dreamy'... But it sure looks nice and some people would kill to have this simple- looking neat- tiddy room. I wouldn't go for it.. but I wouldn't go for something TOO 'dreamy'.

Some more examples down below!
Well, the 'Dream Room' with the dream look collection can go on and on, and on and on. But then... some rooms get a little.. how do I say.. uhh... what's the word? Oh I got it!! - AMBITIOUS. Yes! WAYY TOO AMBITIOUS. Take a look at those few below!

Really now. Really. This is one of the dream rooms that teens ADORE. I mean. What's not to like? The style is superb and friends could you know, sleepover, have fun. It'll be so amazing! I would personally re-do my room like that, yeah, if I was FILTHY RICH!
The outrageous dream rooms go on.
This room? Wow. A swimming pool right before your eyes, where you sleep! This is truly amazing though. Its so relaxing, you can go for a swim anytime! But its a little too good to be true if someone re-did their room like this one.
All the fashionistas' would 'luv' this! All the clothes, all the shopaholics. They would live in royalty. Me: FAT HOPES.
That's pretty much what I have. The next picture, is what I was inspired by. It maybe dreamy too, but i'll simplify it.
Obviously I cannot get matching carpets, or matching suicases. But I could make it my design and pull it off, my way. - Simple.
But, when I turn and look at my room, its just so sad. All the color combinations don't match, everything's jumbled up even if I try to keep it tidy and neat. Well, i'll just have to list everything down, and give a reason to it.

My room is in a total mess right now. The walls are way too pink. And obviously I've grown out of my 7-year-old obsession for the bright pink colors I used to worship. On the walls, my mom stenciled butterflies and some designs from Camp Rock- the movie. Great, another thing I WAS obsessed about years ago. When I was little I was the girly girl who loved Hannah Montana and had a huge collection of stickers. Now I'm becoming a teen and I really don't find Hannah Montana and stickers very amusing anymore. Me: I am not amused. Miley Cyrus herself grown out of colorful clothes anyway.

Next, my furniture. I have a single tiny bed that I can't stretch when I'm asleep at night. Plus, I still have Barney, animal print, princess and castles, and bright yellow with tea cup and cupcakes print bed sheets. I need something more mature right now. My bed is getting uncomfortable and when my friends sleepover, I have to take the floor. So, I have to figure a way to get a bigger bed, a double would be nice, and a way to save space. How? - a bunk bed. :)

The rest of the furniture are either too big, it takes up a lot of space, or too old. My desk is fine, but I need storage that can make things very organized and it looks nice. I have some weird looking furniture I have. Like this tiny blue table with two matching blue chairs. Its so tiny that you can have problems sitting down with your legs under the table. The chairs are way too small and short. Its a bigger problem getting out of the seat. The storage I have take up a lot of space, but it isn't good in organizing stuff and my remaining things have to go in a corner on the floor and it isn't very attractive. At all.

My closet is one big mess. Obviously, its small and it comes in shelves. I'm not exactly a pro in folding clothes and how 'convenient' would it be to take something out of a pile of clothes. Of course, it'll be all messed up and then someone has to re-fold everything I messed up. And then when it's messed up, it's even harder to find something. I wish I had a bigger closet with hangers rather than piles of clothes.

<-- Colour coordinated? - PERF!!

Sometimes it's just the space. I have a very small room with limited space. I live in an apartment and even my mom and dad need more space. - and money.

Well this is my new plan for my room makeover. (with the help of my brain and the Ikea catalog) I decide to repaint my walls baby blue, and have a color combination. Which is red, blue, and white. Which is also, the colors of my 2 favourite countries. I would have a double bed bunk bed. with my table underneath it. So I save up a lot of space. Next to my desk under the bunk bed, I would have a chic tall red metal drawer so I can store school supplies, books, documents, and it matches the color combination I wanted to have.

My wall would be decorated by some art pieces I have done, like this huge Union Jack I have specially measured and painted on a canvas, some random acrylic art work on mini canvases, and maybe some vintage cupcake pictures I found. So I could hang those up.

And for some reason i'm into vintage stuff. Like old telephones, they really look elegant and expensive... and mostly, old. Since I travel almost every year, and almost everywhere, I've decide to have a (fake) vintage map on my wall across what is to be my bunk bed. Maybe I could use thumb tacks and stick them in which ever country I've been to. It also helps to see where I would like to visit next, too.

Well, as you can see, this is a major process I need to go through right now, and it would obviously take awhile. So.. That's pretty much it.

Hope you enjoyed this LONG post about my rooms and decorating skills. Chao! -B

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