Sunday 28 April 2013

Pretty Little Liars

This post is about my current favourite television series- Pretty Little Liars.

Set in the fictional town of Rosewood, Pennsylvania, the series follows the lives of Aria MontgomeryHanna MarinSpencer Hastings and Emily Fields, four girls whose clique falls apart after the disappearance of their queen beeAlison DiLaurentis. One year later they begin receiving messages from a mysterious figure using the name "A" who threatens to expose their secrets. At first they think it's Alison herself, but after she is found dead, the girls realize that someone else knows their secrets—including long-hidden ones they thought only Alison knew. Alison was also stalked by A, and the girls continue to find more and more information about A and Alison's disappearance - all while risking their lives.

From left, Alison DiLaurentis, Emily Fields, Aria Montgomery, Spencer Hastings, Hanna Marin, and Mona Vanderwaal.

Hehe, yeah I copied that from Wiki. Anyway, I think that could actually be my new obsession! Me and my best friend, have been talking about it like forever. BTW, her blog is at the link below, which is . You know Im the type of person that reads the book and then watches the movie? I dont know why, I'm just that kind of person somehow. And I love reading, love! 

I read Harry Potter, Hunger games, and many others before the real movie came out. My mom keeps on delaying to buy the book that I just have to watch the series first. I've watched 10 episodes of Season 1 so far, I know I'm slow, everyone's already up to season3. Well, blame my mom! hehe.

This is the Pretty Little Liars book 1 by Sara Shepard. I've been calculating so may prices everywhere from the past few days trying to convince my mom. Its a young adult book, and I think she doesn't approve. I dont know, I mean girls at my school already watched all the episodes. Isn't that worse than reading?

I mean, reading is words, not pictures. Anyway, I'll update more on this. Bye bye now, xx, B.

Very Very Random pictures.

Hey Guys! :x
Wassupp??? Im so excited for some reason. Today I was looking through all my pictures and photos from a while back and I just decided to share it with you guys. I took all of these photos myself, and they're just all random. Isn't it funny? My blog is called Random Much, and this is the first time I've mentioned the word 'random' in my posts. Odd huh? Hahaa. Anyway.. Here are the pictures!!! :) :)

This was in summer last last year, and my mom iced some buttery cupcakes, so I took a picture.

My mom's friend gave us a Gingerbread making kit, and I did this a week before Christmas. Decorated with unhealthy sugary gummies :)

Aww. This is a shot, of my little cutie, Pinky, my toy poodle.

This is the view, from the Taipei 101 in Taiwan. I was kinda on the 101st floor. Yeah.

Friend's dog. Took this with my DSLR. Amazing, huh?

And last, but not least. This, is a picture from HuaLien, Taiwan. View is just breath taking.

Tuesday 23 April 2013

My Obsession: Polymer clay

Hey guys!! B here, its been a while, I should say.
If you haven't read my previous post, which was about 'My Obsession', you really should. I talked about Japanese Merchandise and how it basically works. Well, this post is gonna be about my second obsession. My second obsession is... *drumroll*- POLYMER CLAY. Read in and see some great pictures!

This right here^ is FIMO polymer clay, by Staedtler. Theres many brands, there's Fimo, Sculpey, Premo (also by Sculpey), KatoClay, KraftSmart, Cernit and a few others.

I got inspired by the one and only, ToniEllison, by watching her youtube channels. She makes miniature foods out of polymer clay and I think its awesome. Little mini foods made out of clay are super cute! And if you want to see some of Toni's videos, I'll give you a link down below when you've finished reading everything. Lemme find some pictures!


                                This one's one of my favourites. Frozen Yogurt!!!!!

Polymer clay is a type of harden-able modelling clay based on the polymer polyvinyl chloride (PVC). You would need to bake it in order to harden it. Polymer clay comes in all different types of colours, and you can mix them. But if you dont have enough Polymer clay colours you want, you could also mix them with Oil Paint, since Polymer clay is oil based. It wouldn't work with Acrylic Paint, since Acrylic is water-based.

Theres many things you can do with Polymer clay, some people like making this thing, called Polymer clay canes. It could be fruit, flower, or any design. A cane is the end picture you create with solid colors of polymer clay in a long tube that can be sliced off and used on various projects.

These are different types of polymer clay canes, after you cut them in slices, you can attach them to polymer clay creations. Some people glue the thin slices on their nails for nail art.

This right here, is what a polymer clay cane would look like, when you make it. You have to keep on squeezing and rolling it until it becomes the size you want. It would look like the one above^.

Polymer clay can be used to make so many things! Fruit canes, jewellery, bangles, head pins, decoration, and many many more! SO I hope you enjoyed reading this post and well, I hope you could check out these videos down below! Thanks. Xx with love, B.

Wednesday 17 April 2013

My Obsession- Japanese Merchandise

Hey guys! Today, you will read about my obsession. 
Yes, everyone has one. Some very lame examples include- collecting lame stamps from the post office, to collecting dolls and puppets. Yeah, that IS LAME!! My so call 'obsession' is way more interesting, trust me, you would want to find out about it.

My obsession is revealed! *drumroll*. . . Its food-related, cute-minatured, hard-to-find, rare Japanese Food box sets. What do I mean? I mean Popin' Cookin', Bandai Konapun, Kutsuwa Food Like-Eraser Making, Meji Chocolate Sets.

See? They're all Japanese. This picture^ right here is Popin' Cookin' and Happy Kitchen sets by Kracie. Lets run through the top, I'm going to start naming the ones I do know. The 2nd row, first one is the Bento Set, following one is the Soft Cookie set, then the Burger Set, then Donut Set (I've done it before). The 3rd row is the Japanese Curry set, then the Ice Cream set, then Sushi Set, then Nerikyan Land set (This one is actually an edible play dough set for smaller kids). Then the rest are Neru-nerunerune, they're just sweet candy you just have to make. They're all edible, but it contains Gelatine which isn't halal.  Continue to the next picture to see what a set would be like inside. I've only tried the donut set, the sushi set, and the burger set.

    Okay, this is the stuff you'll see when you open up a Popin' Cookin' Sushi Set. I've made this one before, these Sets are really hard to find, but I found them at this Japanese Store called SHOJIKIYA. Its quite pricey, but it's worth it. Anyway, the food you make in Popin' Cookin' sets are all from powder packages like these^, they all taste sweet, and there's many different flavours. There's Chocolate, Vanilla, Grape, Lemon, Strawberry, Blueberry, Cherry, and a few others. You're suppose to mix little bit of water to these powder packets to make the Candy Food. There would be some videos at the bottom of the page about Popin Cookin, Kutsuwa, and Konapun tutorials on how to do it from this Youtuber I found. So.. READ ON!!!!

<-- This right here, its a total different thing.
<-- This is called 'Konapun'.

Its comes in little sets like these, and they have powder packets like Popin' Cookin', but they are NON EDIBLE, you're not suppose to eat this. Its looks really edible, Japan technology is like way advanced, so i don't know how they make these stuff, but Konapun isn't edible. Many children ate Konapun and became sick or had food poisoning, thats why they stopped making Konapun and it was dis-continued, but many people still have them now.

Konapun has many different types of sets, I think this one is the standard cooking set, theres a cake studio set too. The sets come with all the little miniature cooking utensils, theres a small rice cooker, which somehow works without any heat, theres mini plastic un-sharp knifes, theres mini cookie cutters, theres even a mini water dispenser smaller than the size of your palm!! Theres a mini 'oven' in the cooking studio, if you want to make cake, you mix in the cake mix packet and you add water and mix them in a mixing bowl, then you pour the batter into the moulds. You leave the moulds in the 'oven', and you wait for it to set, once it sets, and is not in liquid form, you can start icing it. Like in the next picture.

See the mixing bowl? See the mini piping bag WITH a nozzle? See the mini heart shaped mould? They're all so so cute! I cant believe these amazing things exist. Anyway, I'll try look for a picture showing some of the Konapun sets. (They're down below:)

<---- This is a Hamburger Kitchen from Konapun, it shows you in the first picture that you can deep fry french fries, second picture is you can flip burger patties on the 'grill', third picture is obviously baking the burger bun. BTW, The burger buns and the pizza bases from Konapun sets are made from some kind of rubber, thats why its so rubbery but yet it looks like food, I mean you can cut through it, and it still would be a little soft like normal buns would feel like.

Moving on.

This, right here, is a Hamburger set when you take everything out of the box. Theres loads of powder packets, so you could make them a few times, theres drawers, theres a deep frier, an oven, two mixing bowls, a drainer for the oil, a baking tray, plastic cabbage and lettuce for decoration, some moulds, a measuring cup, and a few utensils. Aren't they CUTE?  :) :) :) :)

Okay, next is Kutsuwa Eraser Making Kits. They are all like food, but they're erasers. In the box, you would find like a box of different colours, they look like play dough, but you're suppose to use the moulds and then you Microwive water and you drop the little cute food erasers in the water or something like that. I'll show you some pictures, thats what people like, right? Pictures.

There are just so many to choose from, and I really want to try making some, but sadly, I couldn't find them anywhere. This picture below is basically a larger picture of what the finished product would look like.

They are just so pretty.

Overall, I think I could say Konapun is my favourite, even though I've never tried it before. I love watching videos of it and I think they are awesome. So, below are the links to some of the konapun, popin cookin, and Kutsuwa eraser making sets. Thanks for reading! You know I love you xx B.

Okay! I hope you guys could watch these, but if any else goes wrong, just go to, and search for RRcherrypie konapun or popin cookin, or kutsuwa. BTW, RRcherrypie is some random guy who has many Japanese collectibles and antique cooking sets which has been discontinued.
Thanks again, :xx B