Saturday 23 March 2013

Best friends.

24rd March, 2013
Heyy. It's B again. This post is about my best friends. Each paragraph is going to be about one best friend, and I have six. So... Im gonna start writing.
Okay. This first paragraph is like my bestest- friend of all. Lets just reffer to her as M. M sits next to me in class every single day, she is an amazing person and she understands me alot. She is just so funny, and she literally saved me from being friendless once. She has a great personality, and we share many secrets. She's trustable, kind, funny, and she's really pretty. She makes me laugh, and she's extremely honest. M is awesome, thats all I have to say about her. And part of why she's awesome is because she's a belieber <3.
Second paragraph, its a guy. I've only known him for maybe a month and a half, but it's like I've known him for more than that. Im gonna refer him to S. He is actually very funny, and he's M's childhood friend. S has always been so nice to me, he's extremely friendly. He's always there for me whenever I can't sleep. And when I look at him, I just have to smile, because he always makes me laugh inside, somehow. He's just always there for me. And he's really tall, I have to tilt my head up sonetimes just to look at him. Skyping with M and S is just so fun. I love them both.
Next paragraph, is about a girl best friend, we shall call her R. She is basically a hardcore Belieber. She is so nice, friendly, and she's really honest. We also do share many secrets. She is AMAZING. I <3 her so much!!
Next is also about a girl, her name is St. She's funny, and nice, and really friendly. She has a really high pitched voice, but well thats what makes her really special in her own way I guess. She could be very annoying at times, but she's still one of my best friends.
Next is N. She's really funny, we hang out alot. She is also a belieber, and she takes pictures for the editorial board. We too share secrets, and well she tells me everysingle thing. She's awesome. :)
Next is T, she's a tennis player. She is very honest, she tells me almost everything. She's quite close to N, we all eat together at break. We always carpool if either one of our moms are busy. And i love her for those things I said about her.

When you cant sleep.

23rd March, 2013

Heyy. Its B. I can't sleep!! Im wide awake at 3 a.m. in the morning. I skyped with two best friends just now. But, now. I feel like it's in the afternoon. I watched some episodes of Switched At Birth just now, but I don't get how that affects my sleep.

I wish I could sleep. Or maybe I should just go back to playing Cut the rope and just try to fall asleep. Well, I guess thas what I'm gonna do for now.

xx B.

Friday 22 March 2013

Why the name B?

Friday Night
23rd March, 2013

Why the name B? Well, its not any random name I chose. My parents actually called me B since I was  a baby. Yes, B for baby. You can check my profile to see my real name, but I'm not mentioning it here. I thought B would be good, so I could sort of keep myself anonymous on my blog. I don't want everyone to know I have a blog, because I know inside, that some of my posts can be a little lame.

Only my best friends know my blog. And I found out that it's actually pretty hard to find a certain blog, so...  think its a good idea.Yeahh. Thats it :)


22nd March, 2013

Hi there :) I'm B. Today's "topic" is about what I did on Monday this week. Mondays are always weird. Things happen.


March pass practice on the lower field. All my friends are in the colour houses that i'm not, so I'm separated from all of them. I felt alone, I felt stupid, actually. And I'm the youngest in my year, so obviously I'm one of the shortest. I had to stand in the front next to the year fours to fives.Everyone thought it was funny, but I ignored it. Math class after that, you have no idea how much I hate the math teacher. She has problems pronouncing English, because she normally speaks Mandarin. She hates my class, we are like the dumb ones to her. Anyway, math class went "well". Same thing, new chapter, new hatred. 

Chemistry after that, thats a little better. I always have that feeling that you want to understand your science teacher, but you cant. Maybe I need to realise I'm not interested in Chemistry or Science. I mean. I didn't know there were different parts of the heart. Left atrium? Right atrium? Im speechless. At least having your best friend next to you in class makes it wayy better. Especially when she's a real friend who is actually there for you. After Chemistry, was Mandarin. I also hate Mandarin class, and as usual, all my friends are in other Mandarin classes. I don't like Mandarin class it's because I don't understand most of what is in the book.

I feel bad that I didn't revise my Mandarin before I started speaking more of English when I changed schools. My mandarin got worse. And I can't do anything about it. Sports was coming up, and I had to get ready for it (even though I wasn't participating in anything). Mandarin was over, and I could finally see my friends again after torture in Chinese class. Its so frustrating. I finally could go home after that. So yeah. That was Monday this week. \

Hope you like it. Leave a comment.
:xx B

Its the fever again..

Hi again. B here,  im a belieber. And its an addiction. My obssesion has grown. Alot. And I have bieber fever rigt now.

I have this feeling. Where your instincts just go. WILD. I was listening to Love Me over and over again. And, i just had to cry. I just couldnt stand it.

Normally many people get this feeling, im not odd. Justin Bieber is my idol. And you cant change that. Ever.

:xx  B

Wednesday 20 March 2013

Fav pictures

Hey guys :) Its B again. In this post, I would want to share with you some of my FAVOURITE photos I took of my Pinky with my daddy's big camera! Hope you would like them.

Haha, when I first got my baby, I didn't let her sleep on the bed, so she pulled my blanket and she slept on the floor with my blanket. Smart girl ;)

Haha. And we weren't able to train Pinky to do her business on the tray. So, we bought her comfortable baby diapers. She seems to like it though. Shoo cute!

After the groomers, she looks so pretty. So elegant. Such a cute model.

Yes, she's a pampered pooch. Its the truth.

NGAWWWW. SUCH A CUTIEE. This should be called art work. Pinky is just so photogenic.

Yep, those are some of my favourite pictures of Pinky. You can read more about her in my very first post called 'A day in the life of Pinky'.

Lil' something about me.

18th March, 2013


Hi there. I just started a new blog called 'RANDOM MUCH?!!!'. I wrote my very first story yesterday, it's called "A day in the life of Pinky'. My name is B. It stands for something, but... Well.. just call me- B. I am a 15 year old who does practically what every teenager does, I write stuff, about my life. My life is topsy turvy, I cant describe it. I like blogging and social networking, so this post is all about myself, B.

Okay, lets start with how I look like, so you can use your imagination to picture me. I am an asian, and i'm proud to be one. Im a banana, I am a white person inside, and I'm yellow on the outside. Yeah, I'm sorry I cant post a picture of myself because well... I want to stay anonymous. I have dark brown eyes and hair almost over my shoulders.

Some people ask me: Why do you want to stay anonymous on you're blog?! Well its cause' through out this blog, you'll NEVER expect what you are expecting. I might post all my feelings and all the mean people I go through. So yea, there might be ugly stuff. You'll just never know, its better to be safe then sorry.

"What do you like?". What I like? I love everything that I love. :) Lets start with the usual stuff I like. I LOVE animals, I have this thing for animals I cannot avoid, I always wanted a zoo when I was little. Next, I love my friends. As you know, might as well keep them anonymous. I have 6 best friends, I love all of them very much. Okay, now, for all the typical teenager things I love and I certainly CANNOT pretend they don't exist.

Its all the social networking i'm kinda addicted to. I have the common ones, twitter, tublr, facebook, instagram, kik, whatsapp, artsy, vimeo, youtube, Skype, and now, blogspot. You'll probably think i'm a dork that never socialises or something, but i'm not, I'm just one of those girls, those ones who has almost everyone as their friend and the one who knows EVERYONE at school. Almost a popular girl, but I dont really bother about popularity, I just like having loads of different friends. And I never judge people.

And another addiction of mine, is FANGIRLING and FANFICTIONS. Fangirling is bascially getting hyper over a celebrity and you just blurt out whatever you adore about that person. Yeah, im a teenager, what do you expect? Fanfictions are literally Fiction stories about a celebrity, and you sort of can imagine and picture that you can have a chance with a celebrity. Fanfictions are really hard to avoid, once you read Chapter1, you'll go all the way to Chapter 48. Yup, thats what happened to me.

Music? Celebrites? Yeah, I love that stuff. I'm like an asian Perez Hilton. I love music, especially all the common artist everyone's talking about these days. Justin Bieber? Taylor Swift? Katy Perry? You name it. If you asked im a 'Belieber', I would probably say yes. I'm not a hardcore one that follows him everywhere and starts crying when you listen to his songs. NO. I'm an okay belieber.

TV series? Episodes? Well, yeah. Pretty Little Liars? Switched at Birth? How I met your mother? Revenge? Glee? Grey's Anatomy? Desperate Housewives? Scrubs? Parenthood? Modern family? Greek? Bunheads? Jane by Design? YOU NAME IT!!!! Well, I'm pretty good at multi- tasking, so.. yea :) :)

My attitude? Well, its good enough to be accepted. If you hate me and you think theres something wrong with me, you can just go pretend your invisible and that I cant see you. If nice to you, if you're nice to me. I have some pretty awesome friends, you mess with me? You'll face them. But overall, I think i'm a nice person. Im well- a normal teenager.

Hope you'll enjoy my blog, I just hope you will. Love you baby! xx. B

Sunday 17 March 2013

Day in the life of Pinkyy

17th March, 2013


Woof! You'll read about my favourite past times and typical routines I go through everyday. Oh, how rude of me! Let me introduce myself, my name is Pinky. I live in a spacious condo in Tropicana with my family of four, including me. There's mummy, daddy, jie jie, and myself. I am a light brown toy poodle, with a brown nose, floppy ears, and curly fur. Aren't I adorable?

                                          Thats me! Dont I have class and elegance? My kind
                                          owner lent me her pearl necklace, just in time for
                                          my photo-shoot! I am so photogenic!!

                                          I'm such a sleeping beauty!

Okay! Lets start with what I do through out the day. I wake up at 6 in the morning when I hear daddy opening the master bedroom bathroom door. That means, that the day is starting! I do not waste anymore time, I jump out of my comfortable bed and I start to do some stretching on the cold marble floor in jie jie's room.

When daddy finishes washing up, he opens jie jie's bedroom door to let me out of the room. I always still feel lazy after just waking up, so while waiting for jie jie and mummy to get up, I relax on my favourite spot with all the cushions on the sofa, while watching daddy make his funny morning drinks
that usually keep him awake. Sometimes daddy drinks apple cider vinegar instead of coffee. I wonder how it tastes like, it always smells very sour!

Daddy sits next to me on the sofa, while he turns on the television to watch some news. I noticed he enjoys watching CNN. When is 6.30 sharp, daddy would wake jie jie up, I would always follow him to jie jie's room. Daddy can never succeed waking jie jie up immediately, so I walk to mummy's room. I'm not allowed to sleep on mummy and daddy's bed, but its too hard to resist! I jumped up straight away the bed and crawl underneath the soft covers where it was warm.

Jie Jie comes in the room to use the bathroom, she still seems half asleep! I continue my peaceful rest on the bed next to mummy. All of a sudden, the door burst open. Daddy walks in and ruins my rest! He carries me of the bed and puts me down on the floor. I wander outside again to sleep on the couch outside. Jie jie goes in her room to change into her school uniform. At 7, mummy automatically wakes up to get ready to send jie jie to school.

I smell something very delicious coming from the kitchen. Daddy must be making some rostè for jie jie's breakfast. I always wanted a piece! Daddy never gives me any. Jie jie comes to the dinning table to eat her rostè, I always try to give her the cute puppy eyes. But it never works anymore! New to-do on my list, 'new tactic to get food'!

Mummy comes out of the room and she turned to me and said "Lets Go!". I start to get very excited and impatient. I love sitting in the car and going out. I follow mummy to send jie jie to school almost everyday! After sending jie jie to school, mummy would stop somewhere to let me down to do my morning business.

After coming back from school, its 9 in the morning. I spend some time with mummy, and I begin to play with my teddy bear. I have 5 different toys I always play with, and I never get tired with them.

                                          That's my newest squeaky toy! I look so cute!

Mummy feeds me lunch at 12 noon, some chicken flavoured pallets and some beef liver canned meat. Mmm.. So delicious! After lunch, I usually take an afternoon nap while mummy does some research and check emails on her iPad.

At 3, jie jie comes back from school and I play with her for awhile. Then jie jie goes to shower, and then she'll go to her room. Sometimes, jie jie would dress me up with all my doggie outfits!

                                         Those are some of my clothes, and that is my
                                         changing room! Most of my clothes are imported
                                         from different countries!

For the rest of the afternoon, I take short naps and relax. At 7.30, daddy would be back from work. I always greet daddy at the door when he comes home. After that, mummy and jie jie prepares dinner and they eat dinner, while I try to beg for food.

After they finish eating, daddy will give me my dinner, and I would get very inpatient. Sometimes I would bark at daddy, to tell him to give me my food faster. After dinner, the whole family will sit on the sofa and watch television. Sometimes, me and daddy would share an apple together, while sitting together.

After television, jie jie would pack her bag and go to sleep. Sometimes I would sleep in mummy and daddy's room, sometimes I would sleep with jie jie. I like very comfortable beds, what can I say? I need my beauty sleep.