Wednesday 20 March 2013

Lil' something about me.

18th March, 2013


Hi there. I just started a new blog called 'RANDOM MUCH?!!!'. I wrote my very first story yesterday, it's called "A day in the life of Pinky'. My name is B. It stands for something, but... Well.. just call me- B. I am a 15 year old who does practically what every teenager does, I write stuff, about my life. My life is topsy turvy, I cant describe it. I like blogging and social networking, so this post is all about myself, B.

Okay, lets start with how I look like, so you can use your imagination to picture me. I am an asian, and i'm proud to be one. Im a banana, I am a white person inside, and I'm yellow on the outside. Yeah, I'm sorry I cant post a picture of myself because well... I want to stay anonymous. I have dark brown eyes and hair almost over my shoulders.

Some people ask me: Why do you want to stay anonymous on you're blog?! Well its cause' through out this blog, you'll NEVER expect what you are expecting. I might post all my feelings and all the mean people I go through. So yea, there might be ugly stuff. You'll just never know, its better to be safe then sorry.

"What do you like?". What I like? I love everything that I love. :) Lets start with the usual stuff I like. I LOVE animals, I have this thing for animals I cannot avoid, I always wanted a zoo when I was little. Next, I love my friends. As you know, might as well keep them anonymous. I have 6 best friends, I love all of them very much. Okay, now, for all the typical teenager things I love and I certainly CANNOT pretend they don't exist.

Its all the social networking i'm kinda addicted to. I have the common ones, twitter, tublr, facebook, instagram, kik, whatsapp, artsy, vimeo, youtube, Skype, and now, blogspot. You'll probably think i'm a dork that never socialises or something, but i'm not, I'm just one of those girls, those ones who has almost everyone as their friend and the one who knows EVERYONE at school. Almost a popular girl, but I dont really bother about popularity, I just like having loads of different friends. And I never judge people.

And another addiction of mine, is FANGIRLING and FANFICTIONS. Fangirling is bascially getting hyper over a celebrity and you just blurt out whatever you adore about that person. Yeah, im a teenager, what do you expect? Fanfictions are literally Fiction stories about a celebrity, and you sort of can imagine and picture that you can have a chance with a celebrity. Fanfictions are really hard to avoid, once you read Chapter1, you'll go all the way to Chapter 48. Yup, thats what happened to me.

Music? Celebrites? Yeah, I love that stuff. I'm like an asian Perez Hilton. I love music, especially all the common artist everyone's talking about these days. Justin Bieber? Taylor Swift? Katy Perry? You name it. If you asked im a 'Belieber', I would probably say yes. I'm not a hardcore one that follows him everywhere and starts crying when you listen to his songs. NO. I'm an okay belieber.

TV series? Episodes? Well, yeah. Pretty Little Liars? Switched at Birth? How I met your mother? Revenge? Glee? Grey's Anatomy? Desperate Housewives? Scrubs? Parenthood? Modern family? Greek? Bunheads? Jane by Design? YOU NAME IT!!!! Well, I'm pretty good at multi- tasking, so.. yea :) :)

My attitude? Well, its good enough to be accepted. If you hate me and you think theres something wrong with me, you can just go pretend your invisible and that I cant see you. If nice to you, if you're nice to me. I have some pretty awesome friends, you mess with me? You'll face them. But overall, I think i'm a nice person. Im well- a normal teenager.

Hope you'll enjoy my blog, I just hope you will. Love you baby! xx. B

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