Saturday 23 March 2013

Best friends.

24rd March, 2013
Heyy. It's B again. This post is about my best friends. Each paragraph is going to be about one best friend, and I have six. So... Im gonna start writing.
Okay. This first paragraph is like my bestest- friend of all. Lets just reffer to her as M. M sits next to me in class every single day, she is an amazing person and she understands me alot. She is just so funny, and she literally saved me from being friendless once. She has a great personality, and we share many secrets. She's trustable, kind, funny, and she's really pretty. She makes me laugh, and she's extremely honest. M is awesome, thats all I have to say about her. And part of why she's awesome is because she's a belieber <3.
Second paragraph, its a guy. I've only known him for maybe a month and a half, but it's like I've known him for more than that. Im gonna refer him to S. He is actually very funny, and he's M's childhood friend. S has always been so nice to me, he's extremely friendly. He's always there for me whenever I can't sleep. And when I look at him, I just have to smile, because he always makes me laugh inside, somehow. He's just always there for me. And he's really tall, I have to tilt my head up sonetimes just to look at him. Skyping with M and S is just so fun. I love them both.
Next paragraph, is about a girl best friend, we shall call her R. She is basically a hardcore Belieber. She is so nice, friendly, and she's really honest. We also do share many secrets. She is AMAZING. I <3 her so much!!
Next is also about a girl, her name is St. She's funny, and nice, and really friendly. She has a really high pitched voice, but well thats what makes her really special in her own way I guess. She could be very annoying at times, but she's still one of my best friends.
Next is N. She's really funny, we hang out alot. She is also a belieber, and she takes pictures for the editorial board. We too share secrets, and well she tells me everysingle thing. She's awesome. :)
Next is T, she's a tennis player. She is very honest, she tells me almost everything. She's quite close to N, we all eat together at break. We always carpool if either one of our moms are busy. And i love her for those things I said about her.

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